Fast Formatterª is a disk-initializing utility. One of the most annoying things about formatting disks one at a time in the Finder, is that you have to type in the disk name each time. Now with Fast Formatterª, you can set the disk name once and then just start inserting the disks to be initialized. This way you can format a whole box of disks, with the least amount of hassles. Fast Formatterª will also alert you if you insert a disk that is already initialized, locked or has problems.
This option allows you to name the disks that you will be initializing. The default name is "Blank", so if you don't change this option, your freshly initialized disks will all be named "Blank".
Select either 'Single Sided' or 'Double Sided' for the disks that you will be initializing. The default size is Double Sided (800k). You can initialize double sided disks to be single sided by selecting Single Sided and visa versa, but we do not recommend initializing single sided disks to double sided.
The options that are available to you are all turned 'ON' (indicated by the X in the box) when Fast Formatter is opened. To turn any option 'OFF', just click on the X in the box which will cause the X to disappear.
"Give Warnings"
This option warns you that you have put in a disk that has already been initialized and offers you the chance to eject it instead of re-initializing it. If this option is 'OFF' any disk that you insert, whether initialized or not, will be initialized with no warning to you.
Formatting destroys all data on a previously initialized disk.
Tests are run on the disk's media to insure that the disk does not have flaws that could cause data to be lost.
Zeroing the disk is necessary in order for a 'Desktop file' to be created by the Finder. If this option is turned 'OFF' the disk you just initialized will not be seen as a Macintosh disk by the Finder.
The number of disks that have successfully been initialized is displayed in this portion of the Fast Formatter dialog.
The commands found in the buttons can be invoked by either clicking on the button itself or typing the command-key equivalent shown in the button. For example, to see the About Box, you could click the button or type command-A. About, Eject and Quit are self-explanitory, but 'Xfer' is short for Transfer, which will bring up a dialog box that allows you to select an application to launch to.
¥ If you have any questions or problems when using Fast Formatterª, just call or write: